Sunday, August 7, 2011

Are Four 1/2's Too Many in Two Months????

Within the next 63 days I have on my schedule four 1/2 marathon's planned.  Chicago this coming weekend, Capital City River Run and Baker's Dozen in September and then the first week of October the Wildlife 1/2.  I know i can do it I just have to figure out which ones i really want to push for PR's and which ones for fun.  The Baker's Dozen I am sure will be for fun since it is one week after the Capital City which I want to push myself in.  Chicago is depends upon the humidity that day.  I can't help it I really suck air on those hot and humid days.  The Wildlife I will be seriously competing in that one with the other local 40 year olds!!

I want to put a few 10k's in there as well I think I will play it smart and go with how I feel rather than signing up way in advance and then regretting it.

Training went well this week I felt like I was really back in my grove and my speed work out session went better than expected.  I am trying to run in the heat and humidity to get use to it more but it is just plain torture some days. 

Long run went really well this morning.  I kept a nice easy pace for the first 9 miles and then I sped it up for the last 3 to help get myself used to that feeling of utter exhaustion.  The same way you feel at an end of a race.  Train myself to persevere and push through the fatigue and anguish.  I was running 8:12 miles for the last 3 and my goal pace for a the 1/2 is 8:30-45 depending upon the weather conditions.  Boston's song Smokin came on my MP3 player and man did I haul ass then.  That is the best song to run to!

So 6 more days and I leave for Chicago and 7 days until the race.  Taper week and healthy eating!!!  Carb load on Friday!  TTFN!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it's too many, especially when you know going into it not to push at every one of them. I'm also doing a bunch, pretty much a half every other weekend. I'll be at Chicago then I have another on the 28th, then in Sept VA beach on the 3rd and a 25K trail on the 17th. IMHO if you think about them as fun long runs you paid to do, then hopefully you won't get hurt and WILL have fun.
